Wednesday, August 20, 2008


The play turned out wonderfully, although I feel guilty for forgetting to say an important line during the second performance. But the entire cast were so exhausted that I have a feeling I can be forgiven.

Last night I finished reading Cecilia Galante's The Patron Saint of Butterflies. It is a very strange book. There was something that kept me at a distance from the entire story -- the characters, the setting, everything -- but at the same time, I was compelled the entire time I was reading it. It is just an extremely strange but fascinating novel.

And this morning I completed Huge by Sasha Paley. This one was a lot of fun; it doesn't have much moral to it, and is rather flighty, but I enjoyed it so much that I kind of wish I could begin once again and read it all the way through without remembering even a single chapter. You know how some books are ....

The Patron Saint of Butterflies and Huge are two extremely different novels, and I liked them both in very different ways.

Today I entered the library hoping to find Julie Halpern's Get Well Soon and take it home, since I read almost half of it in the library already, but someone had checked it out! I knew I shouldn't have left it on display with the New YA Books, for all the hungry teenage readers to see ....



Anonymous said...

Hi Emily,

I wandered over here from Fabulous Lorraine's blog...
Glad the play went well - I think if you only forgot one line, in one performance, you're doing pretty well!

EmilyLady said...

Yes, one line in each performance -- but nobody seemed to mind terribly, even those who knew the script perfectly. Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting, Marjorie!


Yoga Gal said...

So what was the line you forgot? Glad it all worked out for you! How did you like acting? Do you have the acting bug now?

EmilyLady said...

Yes, Yoga Gal, I love acting. My passions are reading and writing, but I have become almost as enthralled by the theatre. (One of my very favorite books is "Ballet Shoes", which was actually the source that directed me to the magic of the stage.)

The line I missed had to to with a cold wet rag. It wasn't exactly crucial to the storyline, but it had to do with comedy, and it was a defining moment of the comedic aspects of the play. I was an old woman ready to hand Snow White a poisonous apple, and was supposed to exclaim that I was feeling faint and wondered whether she might have a cold wet rag on hand. When she gave it to me, I was to offer her "this beautiful APPLE! in return." But, sadly, I forgot to ask for the rag and offered the apple as soon as I sat down to rest my "aching feet."

This was in the second performance. The first went much better, but everyone was already exhausted by the second performance, so I think we can be excused.


EmilyLady said...

The line about the cold wet rag, by the way, prompted a very funny line. Forgot to mention the importance of that ....
