Monday, October 20, 2008

Sorry ...

I have a really good excuse for staying away from the blog for so long: I've been in the hospital for the past week and will probably remain here for the next week, or longer. Sigh. It does feel good to finally have Internet access.

Anyway, keep a check on the blog -- I'll be around when I can.



spacedlaw said...

I hope nothing serious.

Marjorie said...

Sorry to hear it - hope you're better soon. I assume this is not for the broken toe?

EmilyLady said...


Rather serious, but getting better. I'll be okay.


You don't mean YOU'RE hospitalized as well? If you are, feel better!


No, definitely not!

Thank you, everyone!


Marjorie said...

Glad to see you're back home - hope you continue to recover well - If you're anything like me, just havig got out of hospital should make you feel better ;-))

EmilyLady said...

Marjorie, I DO feel better now that I'm home. It was certainly nice to sleep in my own bed without being woken up for this and that, a needle here and a needle there .... I slept in this morning and then went to the library. Ah, peace.

Jess, good to know you are well! You had me worried there!
