Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Het Bibliotheek?!

Here is my Dutch Twitter page:

My Dutch is in desperate, desperate need of improvement. In fact, it's down on all fours screaming and crying for improvement. We'll get there.

(Seriously, I said, "het bibliotheek." Who says, "het bibliotheek?")



ria said...

Actually, it's 'de bibliotheek' :)

EmilyLady said...

Thanks. I know I made a mistake! Oh well, I think that's a good way to embed things in my memory ... many thanks!

Siri said...

You are an amazing woman! Is there anything you don't try? Dutch? Chinese? I struggle some days with English.

I'm so glad to know you, Emily, and can't wait unitl June.

EmilyLady said...

Thank you so much! I am massively excited for June.

spacedlaw said...

That IS desperate.
I would say "de" bibiotheek, but the proper use of DE or HET is a real puzzle for foreigners (unless you put every nouns in the diminutive).

Marjorie said...

Impressive! Although I have to admit the whole learning chinese thing is even more impressive. Do you have local, native speakers of each to teach you?

I'm very excited about June, too - just booked all the hotels...

EmilyLady said...

It is confusing, Nathalie ...

Truth be told, Marjorie, I find Chinese easier than Dutch - easier by a long shot. I don't have any native speakers of Dutch around - most of the languages I like I have to try to learn myself - but I am lucky to have a woman from Taiwan who takes her kids to storytime at the library every Monday. She was so excited when I told her I liked Mandarin that she said, "Let me be your tutor!" and didn't even want pay. She said it would just be tremendous fun! She has taught me so much Chinese.

Thank you thank you for commenting, Marjorie and Nathalie!