And does anybody else like the shirt I got at the nature reserve?
Yes, and this of course is Emily having WAY too much fun with her camera.
That's a pillow on my head, if you were wondering. Some people have asked.
Revelle reading "The Zombie Survival Guide" (which I've never read), as a zombie.
A good deal of fun with Lorraine and Cabal, her boss's ( dog.
He was a terribly sweet dog.
Chantrelle did not disappoint with the socks:
No, she never ceased to amaze me.
Donielle, who was impossible not to like.
This same antique shop bore the cheesiest but most fascinating Star Trek drinking glasses (thanks to Lorraine for pointing them out: I said, "Check out these Star Wars glasses. Ha." Though I don't actually watch Star Wars - that's Jack's forte. And Lorraine said, "If you go over there you'll find Star Trek glasses." I leapt away to see.)
More pictures are coming. But for now, I need a break. Eat supper, maybe, after a long day of working at a local festival. Waitressing is a fun way to keep busy!
Still wondering how your dinner with Susan went, too!
Oh, it was awesome. I told her how much you liked her book - she was so pleased - and she was one of the most delightful people I've met in my life. We shared a wonderful meal and had a wonderful chat and I can hardly wait to see her again (I know I will!).
I'm so glad to hear that - you looked like you were having quite the chat - I didn't want to intrude, so I didn't get a chance to say good bye to you. Somehow, I felt that was better - all the more easy to say hello when next we meet.
I did feel badly I didn't bid farewell to the Fiends. But I keep reminding myself that that was the first but not LAST time! Definitely not!
Lovely pictures, Eminent Emily! It was pretty obvious to me that you were having a good time. :)
Rest up, for tomorrow is a new day. ;)
Yes, a much quieter day ...
I forgot you took pictures of my socks :P
We will get together again of course...i have many more socks to show off!!
:D that is a good picture of me. thanks:)
and i love your recounting of the weekend. it's so wondeful to read other's impressions.
i was so impressed, we all got along, there was no weird silences, and tons of easy fun conversation. oh and laughter, i have never laughed that much in my life.
and chantrelle did have amazing socks and skirts.
Chantrelle's socks and skirts rocked.
We all knew each other already. We just hadn't seen each other in person.
I seriously loved the birding trip.
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