Wednesday, October 7, 2009

On Home-Schooling and Why It Might Possibly Be Just the Slightest Bit Less "Easy" Than Some Think

I would like to drop this quick note from myself, a home-schooled senior in Rhode Island: I can't even begin to tell you how often I get, "WHOA, home-schooled, I wish I were home-schooled, it must be so fun, you get to sleep in, and you don't have to do work, and it must be great to slack off; you have it so easy!"




Ha. Ha. Ha.

The next person who says this to me can have ALL my Latin, Russian, Chinese, German Literature, English Literature, chemistry, geometry, and World History. Yes, I get through all of this in a day. No, it is not in small amounts. Good-bye.



Dragonsally said...

Holy Bat Shite...that's a lot of work. Maybe you should have a business card made up to hand to people who don't realize home schooling is tough!

EmilyLady said...

I do need to come up with something compact that I can just WHIP out! "In your face ... now excuse me, I'll go stand over here as you take a look at that ..."

EmilyLady said...

It's really actually not tough for everyone - truth be told there ARE families who slack off, and really, it works for them sometimes. There are people who learn the best of the best to get them through life by living a totally unstructured and free-flowing lifestyle. We don't do that, and it's not easy!

EmilyLady said...

For the record, I have no clue with the word "work" links to something odd. It wasn't meant to link to anything.