Thursday, July 10, 2008

Rescuing Seneca Crane

According to Ms. Susan Runholt's Mystery Blog (, the title of the second novel in her Kari and Lucas series will be Rescuing Seneca Crane. I am marvelously excited to read it. Read the first book in the series, The Mystery of the Third Lucretia, and you'll definitely have something to look forward to. I find it pretty hard to find a really wonderful book series, the kind that makes you want to get to the library as fast as possible so that you can pick up the next one; the kind with characters that will bring you feelings you just don't get every day; the kind of characters you care about so much that when something important happens to them -- like if they have a mental breakdown or a baby or something -- you'll have them in your mind and in your heart for several days.

(Something tells me Kari and Lucas won't get pregnant any time soon, though. It was merely an example.)



AletaMay said...

Emily -- Hi -- Aleta from Lorraine's blog here. I am so so happy that I decided to check out your blog. Finding this link to Susan's work has made my day! I used to know her -- we worked together.

I am so pleased to see that this book is out. I also see by looking at her site that she has some events coming up that I should be able to attend. Who would have thought that you, on the east coast, could remind me of an old friend I had completely lost track of!

EmilyLady said...

Hi Aleta! What a serendipity -- I am happier every day that I had the chance to review "The Mystery of the Third Lucretia". The most rewarding part of reviewing is always that I am exposed to work I might otherwise never have discovered.

I hope you get to see her at one of her events -- I think you would both love that. I am trying to make it so that I can attend an event in Baltimore, Maryland -- she and I have been in touch and I would really love to meet her.

I am very glad you commented, Aleta -- you made MY day with this wonderful piece of news! Good luck! I'll see you on Lorraine's blog!


AletaMay said...

I am so pleased that you have actually been in contact with Susan! I emailed her through her website and we are getting together after one of her signings for coffee and to catch up. Thanks so much for being a bridge for that connection to be rekindled!

The interwebs win again!

I did not realize that you do reviews! Is there somewhere I can read these? You really do seem to be a remarkable young woman!

EmilyLady said...

Aleta, thank you; and you are so welcome -- I am truly thrilled that this happened.

Yes, I review books for "Voice of Youth Advocates" (or VOYA) which you can find in many a library. And on Barnes and Noble's website (, search for "The Mystery of the Third Lucretia" and you can see my review for Susan Runholt's book! There are a few others -- "The Game of My Life" by Jason McElwain, "Call Me Hope" by Gretchen Olson, and "Head Case" by Sarah Aronson. Not all of them use my name but you should be able to tell -- because my reviews are always so short! (The Teen Reviewers have a word limit.)

I am so happy about this marvelous serendipity, Aleta -- and so glad that you told me about it!
