Friday, February 20, 2009

Happy Kurt Cobain's Birthday

'Tis Kurt Cobain's birthday, it is, and Jack, the great rock n' roller/grunger of the family who loves Nirvana to pieces and is probably going to be the next Stephen Tyler (if he keeps growing his hair), wanted to celebrate.

"Let's make cupcakes," said my mother.

Sure sounded great to me. But no ...

Fourteen-year-old Benjamin ended up baking three cakes: two chocolate cakes because we had extra batter, and a Tollhouse cookie cake (we just call it Cookie Cake) for Will because that's the only kind of cake William likes and no one wanted him to feel left out. Benjamin used cake gel to write "In Loving Memory of Kurt Cobain - 1967-1994" on one cake and to draw a weasel on the other. (He has a thing for drawing weasels; this has nothing to do with Cobain.)

I might have pictures soon,.

Happy Kurt Cobain's birthday.


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